
Buena fe laboral y facultad sancionadora del empleador en materia de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo
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August 26, 2024
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Our clients speak for us
“I am very satisfied and grateful for the good service and efficient support that EBS Abogados has been providing us for more than 10 years. I appreciate the great sense of urgency that the team of professionals shows when the situation warrants it.”
Mabel RamirezSub Financial Manager
Ian Taylor Perú
Ian Taylor Perú
“EBS Abogados has provided us with strategic solutions in the management of legal matters for more than 15 years. We highlight the efficiency of your service due to responsibility, commitment and personalized attention. We value the quality of its staff, made up of competent professionals, with agile, clear and precise communication”.
Rosario Risco LobosContralora
Molino El Triunfo S.A.
Molino El Triunfo S.A.
“Grateful to EBS for the quality of its services. The current situation generates that companies are exposed to changes in local and international tax matters. The quality and experience of the professionals that make up the firm and their approach based on the knowledge of our company, ensure us the most efficient strategies.”
Juan Carlos IzaguirreCorporate Director of Accounting and Finance